Theresa Kutasz Christensen – “Making her Mark in the Museum: A look at current projects in Baltimore, Toronto, and Madrid that highlight the influence of Swedish queens on the history of art”.
In this talk, Exhibition Researcher and specialist in the history of collecting, Theresa Kutasz Christensen will discuss two of her current projects which foreground the history of women in museum spaces. Theresa will provide a special preview of the upcoming exhibition Making Her Mark: A History of Women Arists in Europe 1400-1800 which will open in Baltimore at the Baltimore Museum of Art in October of this year, and at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto in early 2024. She will also discuss her work on Queen Christina’s impact on the formation of the collections of the Museo del Prado as part of the museum’s sweeping initiative to locate and celebrate women’s roles in the history of the museum and its objects.

Dr. Theresa Kutasz Christensen is an Exhibition Researcher at the Baltimore Museum of Art where she is currently working on the upcoming exhibition Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe 1400-1800.
Datum: söndag 14 maj, klockan 17.00
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Pris: Föreläsningen är kostnadsfri för Christina-Akademiems medlemmar. Pris för icke-medlem: 100 kronor, ingår medlemsskap i Christina-Akademien för 2023.